
Meet the Mayor
Welcome to St. Francisville. I am Mayor Robert “Bobee” Leake, and I would like to welcome you to my charming hometown. St. Francisville is known for its many attractions, in particular the numerous historic plantation homes open for tours. The town’s Historic District features restaurants, unique shops, historic homes, businesses, churches and cemeteries.
I know you will enjoy visiting historic St. Francisville. Should you need any assistance please do not hesitate to contact the town staff or me as we operate an open-door policy which welcomes you to visit us at the town hall on Ferdinand Street. Read my latest monthly newsletter.
– Mayor Robert “Bobee” Leake
Our Town Council
The St. Francisville Town Council is comprised of five community members. As the governing body of the town, the Council handles matters such as: planning and zoning, utilities, property taxes, occupational licenses, liquor licenses, and building permits. Council meetings are open to the public and are held at town hall in the meeting room. Regular board meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday each month at 5:30pm. You may submit items for the agenda by the Thursday of the week prior to the respective meeting you would like to attend. To submit agenda items or for more information, contact Shannon Sturgeon at (225) 635-3688 or
(Left to right, first row: Abby Cochran, Rucker Leake, Gigi
Robertson; Back row: Al Lemone, Andrew D’Aquilla)
Boards & Commissions
The Planning & Zoning Board meets on an as needed basis at Town Hall. Please call the Town Hall at 225-635-3688, they will help you with the process.
Town Hall
11936 Ferdinand Street
St. Francisville, LA
p. (225) 635-3688
Current Board Members:
- Sara Wilson Rogers
- Patrick Vince
- Jesse Means III
- Michael Percy
- James Dart
The purpose of the Historic District Commission is preservation and stewardship of all structures in the designated Historic District of the Town of St. Francisville, providing guardianship of those structures which have Architectural and Historical value and which should be preserved for the benefit of the people of the municipality and state. The commission does this by: (1) encouraging preservation, restoration, and rehabilitation of structures, areas and neighborhoods to prevent future blight, (2) fostering civic pride in the beauty of and accomplishments in St. Francisville’s past, and (3) gathering and organizing information of St. Francisville’s history and disseminating that information through publications, exhibits, or other means for the edification and education of the general public.
Commissioners are appointed by the town mayor for four year terms.
Current Commission Members:
- James Dart
- Peggy Gammill
- Brandon Branch
- Lynn Leak
- Paul Martin
The commission meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 5:00pm at the Old Market Hall. To be placed on the agenda all information must be received by the Main Street office no later than noon the Friday prior to the meeting date
Historic District Commission
P.O. Box 400, 11936 Ferdinand St.
St. Francisville, LA 70775
p. (225) 635-3688
The purpose of the Board of Adjustments is defined by ordinance as follows: [it] is the intent of this ordinance that all questions of interpretative and enforcement shall be first presented to the Administrative Official, and that such questions shall be presented to the Board of Adjustments only on appeal from the decision of the Administrative Official, and that recourse from the decision of the Board of Adjustment shall be to the courts as provided for such matters in appropriate legislature of the state.
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The Board of Adjustment consists of five members, appointed by the Mayor.
Current Board Members:
- Nick Smith
- Wayne Hilliard
- Butch Jones
- Steve McKinney
- Waylan Bennett
The Board of Adjustments meets on an as need basis at the town hall.
Board of Adjustments
P.O. Box 400
St. Francisville, La. 70775
The Architectural design board exists to review building, remodeling and/or alteration activity as specified in the Ordinances.
This board is made up of five members appointed by the Mayor and Town Aldermen.
Current Board Members:
- Amanda McKinney
- David A. Parker
- John Fournet
- Michael Percy
- Ellen McFarland
- Kara Terry
- Yul Lorio
The board meets on an as needed basis at Town Hall. To request a meeting, call Town Hall at 225-635-3688.
Architectural Design Review Board
P.O. Box 400
St. Francisville, La. 70775
Council Meeting Records
Meeting Agendas
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